International Garden Festival in Chaumont-sur-Loire

International Garden Festival in Chaumont-sur-Loire

Every year in the estate of Chaumont-sur-Loire Castle, thirty or so artists and landscape artists from all over the world create contemporary gardens on a specific theme. All the landscape installations evolve during the 6 months they are on display, as the rules state that the garden must be at its most beautiful in autumn. However, as June is the month of gardening, a visit before summer is an ideal way to enjoy the flowers.

International Garden Festival in Chaumont-sur-Loire

International Garden Festival in Chaumont-sur-Loire

Visitors walk through the paths of the park in a sort of open-air contemporary landscape art museum. Guided tours are available for those who want to learn more about the purpose of the work that is underway.

The Chaumont gardens can also be visited in the evening during a few weeks in summer when the plants are illuminated by luminescent spotlights. Also worth a look are the 20 contemporary art exhibits and installations, sculptures and photographs in the Castle and the Park, on the theme of nature.

Also, check our list of the best hotels in Chaumont-sur-Loire and book your stay during the event.

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