Leipzig Book Fair

Leipzig Book Fair

The Leipzig Book Fair is one of the most important book fairs in Germany. Readers, literature fans, authors, media and publishers from all over the world take part in this event. During the Leipzig Book Fair, there are novelties to discover as well as new and different perspectives on the literary world to catch. The Leipzig Book Fair's network classically includes the Manga-Comic-Con as well as the reading festival 'Leipzig liest' (translated as "Leipzig reads").

Leipzig Book Fair Guide

The Leipzig Book Fair is characterized by a special diversity. It includes current topics but also trends in the book industry. The diversity of the fair is also reflected in the genres. From fiction to non-fiction and trade books, visitors to the Leipzig Book Fair can discover books and literary works of various genres. Each fair offers a special focus on participating countries. In addition, the Leipzig gathering includes the latest educational offerings for various age groups. Special attention is paid to promoting reading for the youngest visitors. To this end, there is a special professional program aimed in particular at educators, booksellers, as well as authors, and with its continuing education offerings and discussion panels, it provides an excellent platform for a lively and diverse exchange.

Bestseller Authors

During the Leipzig Book Fair, the guests can meet with many bestseller authors. The authors are very often on hand to accompany the books. In addition to the numerous bestselling authors, up-and-coming writers also attend the book fair to introduce themselves to the public.

One of the highlights of the exhibition is the Leipzig Book Fair Prize. Each year, it honours the best literature in the following categories:

  • Fiction
  • Nonfiction
  • Essay writing
  • Translation

Leipzig Book Fair for Children & Teenagers

Children and teenagers are more than welcome to visit the Leipzig Book Fair. The exhibition offers a varied and comprehensive program for them. This includes reading sessions, musical sessions, games, painting and handicrafts.

Education and Digital Media

Education is one of the main focuses at the Leipzig Book Fair. Numerous specialist events ensure that the Leipzig Book Fair is one of the largest education fairs in Germany. The Book is not the only medium of information exchange at the Leipzig Book Fair. A large amount of space is being reserved for the digital world: audio, film and other media. In the digital section of the Book Fair, you can experience the latest developments on eBook, podcast, audiobook and the film industry. In addition, the Book Fair offers space for discussions.

Leipzig Book Fair International

The city of Leipzig and literature have been inseparably linked for centuries. Thus, complementary to the fair, one of the largest European reading festivals takes place directly in the city. In the course of the reading festival, literature is presented at many different reading locations throughout the city.

Regularly, more than 400 exhibitors from all over the world take the opportunity to showcase the diversity and developments in the global literary business. The guest countries present themselves with numerous publishers. and authors. This opens up a very special view into the country's literature, culture and language.

Learn more about the Leipzig Book Fair

Also, check our list of the best hotels in Leipzig and book your stay during the event.

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