Cactus Festival in Bruges

Cactus Festival in Bruges

Cactusfestival in Bruges keeps it simple with only a single stage to help fans avoid dreaded schedule conflicts and an intimate experience, only allowing an attendance of 25,000. Focused on rock and alternative music, Cactusfestival has been delivering this intimate vibe since 1982.

During the second weekend of July, Bruges has been preparing for the arrival of a pack of national and international musical heroes for 39 years.

At this festival on a human scale, in the enchanting Minnewater Park, all bands play full concert sets on one and the same stage. So no heartbreaking choices at Cactusfestival.

During the breaks, there is plenty of room for healthy food at one of the many food trucks.

Learn more about the Cactus Festival in Bruges

Also, check our list of the best hotels in Bruges and book your stay during the event.

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