Bridiers Historical Fresco

Bridiers Historical Fresco

The historical fresco by Bridiers is an annual, extraordinary medieval spectacle with 400 actors and more than 2,500 costumes. The 5-hectare medieval site welcomes horses, carriages and vehicles from back then and surprises with great fireworks and special effects.

From prehistory to 1945, more than 6,000 years of history are shown at the site of Bridiers in a breathtaking rhythm: migration of a tribe at the end of the Neanderthal era, Roman occupation, Bacchus festival, Commandery of the Order of Malta, the epoch of Philibert von Naillac, the wedding of Claudine de Brosse with Philippe of Savoy, the exile of Prince Zizim, embarkation of the frigate Hermione and fight for independence in America, retreat from Russia, the 1880s, trenches in 1917, the year 1936, exodus and resistance.

This unmissable, stunning and famous light and sound show at the Bridiers medieval site remains to be seen! Images projection, costumes and accessories, music, sound effects, light show and pyrotechnics are all combined to recount a new story in the history for each edition, presented like a "live" movie film. Truly an exceptional and amazing experience. You can enjoy the visual dimension of the show, share emotions and spend an unforgettable evening!

The castle Bridiers

The castle Bridiers

The castle Bridiers is a ruined medieval castle built from the end of the xii th century by viscounts of Aubusson, located at a place called Bridiers in the eastern town of La Souterraine in Nouvelle-Aquitaine region of France.

Located on a hill surrounded by marshy land, classified as a Historic Monument since 1968, the first work to consolidate the tower was undertaken in 1982 and was followed by excavation work.

The keep houses a semi-underground cellar and three floors, the last of which, open to the sky (a glass floor was built in 2007), offers an exceptional panorama. The upper parts of the keep (frame and roof) were rebuilt, vaulted and decorated with four gargoyles in 1655.

In the farmyard, excavation work has brought to light a stable and ovens.

The medieval garden is located below the tower. Covering an area of ​​1000m², it consists of two separate spaces with a vegetable garden and a pleasure garden.

The medieval garden of Bridiers was born from the hands of Jean-Philippe Béguin and the people who are members of the integration project.

Learn more about the Bridiers Historical Fresco

Also, check our list of the best hotels in La Souterraine and book your stay during the event.

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